厲旭在孤獨房的更新~ 沒有文字只有照片
厲旭在孤獨房的更新~ 沒有文字只有照片
真正的愛他人是理解以及關懷. 如果愛的話是不會跟蹤並且散佈毫無根據的傳言. Truly loving someone is understanding and caring for them, not invading their privacy, not stalking them, or not spreading baseless rumors about
厲旭在孤獨房的更新~ 沒有文字只有照片
目前在剛果民主共和國發生的伊波拉病毒疫情已擴散到鄰國烏干達伊波拉病毒疫情確認以及死亡人數也接續發生, 兒童們正在遭遇到伊波拉病毒的威脅. UNICEF正在盡一切努力為了防止疾病擴散的可能性. 正在村莊的各處進行保健衛生的教育、緊急支援醫療以及衛生設施. 在這與時間賽跑的過程中迫切需要各位的幫助.
The world second deadliest outbreak of Ebola has spread from the DRC to neighbouring Uganda. As the first deaths and cases are reported, the risk is growing for children and their families. We are on the ground with our partners doing everything possible to stop the spread of this disease. We are mobilizing communities, training health volunteers and providing urgent support to health facilities and water, sanitation and hygiene supplies. But it's a race against time and we need your help! @unicef @unicef_kr @unicefmalaysia @unicef_thailand @unicef_vietnam
翻譯:Hsiu Wen