目前分類:[李東海 Donghae LEE] (23)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2023-09-02 [Donghae LEE] 230902 [SUPER JUNIOR 東海] 臺灣Fan Party | D&E在待機室玩的方法 (2) (0)
2023-03-04 [Donghae LEE] 230304 [SUPER JUNIOR 東海] SUPER JUNIOR成為了老鷹 | 南美巡迴 EP.02 祕魯, 巴西 (1) (0)
2022-04-22 [Donghae LEE] 220422 [DHharu] 與E.L.F.一起的日本Fan Event / Japan Fan Event with E.L.F. (4) (0)
2022-04-17 [Donghae LEE] 220417 [DHharu] 結束隔離後, 第一份購買清單是? / The first thing DH bought after qurantine! (1) (0)
2022-04-13 [Donghae LEE] 220413 [DHharu] 賞櫻花 (目黑川) / Cherry-blossom viewing (Meguro River) (2) (0)
2022-04-07 [Donghae LEE] 220407 [DHharu] 一個人玩也沒什麼大不了的 / It's not a big deal to play alone (2) (0)
2022-03-29 [Donghae LEE] 220329 [DHharu] 要怎麼一個人玩呢? / What should I do to have fun by myself? (1) (0)
2022-03-21 [Donghae LEE] 220321 [DHharu] 圓肩伸展運動 / Round shoulder stretching (3) (0)
2022-03-09 [Donghae LEE] 220309 [DHharu] Marvel Venompool Unboxing / 漫威粉絲猛毒死侍公仔開箱 (3) (0)
2022-03-01 [Donghae LEE] 220301 [DHharu] D&E抵抗不了的Abura Soba :) / D&E's Irresistible Abura Soba (18) (0)
2022-02-17 [Donghae LEE] 220217 [DHharu] JMT 豆芽菜湯飯吃播 / The Best Bean Sprouts Hot Pot for meal (33) (0)
2021-12-03 [Donghae LEE] 211203 "Lost" Donghae's Solo ver. (7) (0)
2021-08-21 [Donghae LEE] 210821 D&E Q&A EP.01 (2) (0)
2021-07-18 [Donghae LEE] 210718 Special Event for E.L.F. with D&E (2) (0)
2021-06-29 [Donghae LEE] 210629 The Special "X" with Donghae (7) (0)
2021-05-18 [Donghae LEE] 210518 "SUNRISE" EP.ver (30) (0)
2021-04-06 [Donghae LEE] 210406 銀赫生日紀念 D&E "Gloomy" behind cut (4) (0)
2021-04-04 [Donghae LEE] 210404 為了銀赫生日的D&E "Gloomy" birthday ver. 生日快樂:) (32) (0)
2020-03-07 [影音] 200307 東海直播-Taiwan 122weeks !! 🎉 Thanks ELF (7) (0)
2020-02-28 [Donghae LEE] 200228 東海直播-下雨的晚上 ☔️ rainy night (提到KKBOX) (9) (0)
2020-02-28 [影音] 200228 東海直播-久違的下雨天 (提到KKBOX) (8) (0)
2020-01-02 [影音] 200101 東海直播-2020 Super Junior (in 臺灣) (8) (0)
2019-09-21 [影音] 190921 東海直播-On the bed (in 臺灣) (4) (0)